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Number of items at this level: 358.

Journal Article

Arqam, Arqam and Haryanto, Haryanto and Jafar, Basri (2016) EFL Teacher’s Own Voice On The Concept Of Professional Competence Development, A Study At Senior High School 1 Parepare Indonesia. Journal of Language and Literature, 7 (4). pp. 173-177. ISSN 2078-0303

Hasanah, Nurul (2021) EFL Students' Motivation in Mastering English Grammar through Team Game Tournament (TGT). Jurnal Edukasi Nonformal, 2 (1). pp. 198-203. ISSN 2715-2634

Zulfah, Zulfah and Rasyid, Muhammad Amin and Rahman, Muhammad Asfah and Rahman, Andi Qashas (2015) Teachers’ Instructional and Management Talk in English Foreign Language Classroom. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6 (6). pp. 1280-1288. ISSN 1798-4769


Asiza, Nur (2017) Tense With Brain Exercise. Dirah, Parepare. ISBN 978-602-60577-1-6

Asiza, Nur and Irwan, Muhammad (2019) Everyone is a Teacher Here. CV. Kaaffah Learning Center, Parepare, Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-7202-91-2

Idul, Muhammad and Mujahidah, Mujahidah (2020) Vocabulary for Scout. IAIN Parepare Nusantara Press. (Unpublished)

Kalsum, Kalsum and Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Nanning, Nanning (2020) English for Accounting: Fun With English. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Kalsum, Kalsum and Munawir, Munawir and Asiza, Nur and Humaeroah, Humaeroah (2021) Morphology. IAIN Parepare Nusantara Press, Parepare. ISBN 78-623-6622-89-62021

Mujahidah, Mujahidah (2020) English Matrial Development. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Megawati, Megawati and Khaira, Miftahul and Rendra W, Revit and Safirah, Shinta and Wildayanti, Wildayanti (2020) Basic English for Young Learners. IAIN Parepare, Parepare, Indonesia.

Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Nurhamdah, Nurhamdah and Nanning, Nanning and Amzah, Amzah and Sunubi, Abdul Haris and Magdahalena, Magdahalena and Munawir, Munawir and Yusuf, Muh. and Asiza, Nur and Kalsum, Kalsum and Humairah, Humairah (2020) Find Yourself on Vocabulary Size: A Guide for Students. IAIN Parepare Nusantara Press, Parepare, Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-9122-294

Saepudin, Saepudin (2014) An Introduction to English Learning and Teaching Methodology. TrustMedia Publishing, Parepare, Indonesia. ISBN 978-979-3549-26-2

Yusuf, Muh. and Mujahidah, Mujahidah (2020) I Can Write : The Easy Way to Start. IAIN Parepare.


Nur, Rafiah and Zulfah, Zulfah and Latifah, Ammang (2014) Listening Comprehension: An IPA-based Needs Analysis of Indonesian English Education Students. In: THE 12th INTERNATIONAL ASIA TEFL CONFERENCE AND 23RD MELTA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 28 - 30 Agustus 2014, Kuching, Sarawak.


A.Nurrahmayani, A.Nurrahmayani (2020) Building up writing ability with use of free writing technique significantly of the students at the first grade of Madrasah Aliyah Al Mubarak DDI Tobarakka Kab.Wajo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Abbas, Veradhilla Basrie (2018) The Ability Of Students’ In Differentiating Narative Text and Descriptive Text Of SMA NEGERI 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Abdullah, M. Arif (2020) Improving Students’ English Nouns Trought Outdoor Learning Style A Classroom Action Research Of The First-Grade Students Of SMP Negeri Satap Pombuttu, Polman. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Abidin, Dian Aisyah (2020) The Effectiveness of Using “A1 SpeechTRON” as a Media in Improving students Pronunciation at the Second Year Students of Vocational High School 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Abidin, Wahyuni (2020) Using Praise Question Polish Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Ability at MA Lil Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Adam, Zam-Zam (2020) Enhancing the Students’ Speaking Skill Through Peer and Self Assessment Methods at the Second Grade of SMA 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Adawiyah, Rabiatul (2020) The Use of Literacy Circle To Improve Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Afika, Nur (2019) The Analysis of Students’ Learning Strategies and Language Styles In English Learning at SMAN 9 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Afrianty, Selvy (2018) The Use of Card Sort to Improve students’ Vocabulary at MTsN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Agung, Muhammad Josua (2020) Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill Through Folktales Based Instruction Strategy By Using Whatsapp At SMP Muhammadiyah Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Agus, Afrila (2021) Improving Reading Comprehension of the Second Grade Students of SMKS MUHAMMADIYAH Parepare through PORPE Method. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Agus, Nurdiana (2020) Students’ Morphological Error In Writing Narrative Composition At The Fifth-Semester of English Education Program IAIN Parepare In Academic Years 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ahmad, Nurwana (2019) The Students’ Attitude toward Teacher’s Strategy in Teaching English at the Eighth Grade of MTs At’taqwa Jampue Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ahnur, Virda Deviyanti (2020) The Use of the Power of Two Strategy in Teaching English to Improve the Reading Comprehension of the Eleventh Grade Students of Man Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Alamsyah, Nur (2018) The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Toward Enhance the Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 5 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Albakri, A. St. Alifka (2021) The Students’ Perspective toward English ForeignLanguage (EFL) for Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) at English Department in the fifth semester of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Alik, Bakri M (2019) The Students’ Perception of the professional English teacher at MA PP Nurul Haq Benteng Lewo Kabupaten Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Alvionita, Andi Rizky (2020) The Use of Three Step Interview to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at The Students of SMAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Amalia, Risky (2021) An Error Analysis of English Plosive Consonant (p,t,k,b,d,g) Pronounced at Fifth Semester of English Program in IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Amdar, Fatiyatul Muawanah (2021) The Implementation of English Learning Evaluation in COVID-19 Pandemic Era (a Case Study at MTsN Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Amelia, Amelia (2018) The Attitude of Students in Learning Vocabulary through Quantum Learning at the Second Grade MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Amin, Husnul Khatimah (2021) The Analysis of The Students' Translation Ability to The Second Grade Students of MA DDI Lil-Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

An-Nabilah, Andi Al-Amirah (2019) The Implementation of Know-Want to Know-Learned (KWL) Strategy towards Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Third Semester of English Program IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Anah, Reski (2022) The Effectiveness of PQRST (Preview, Question, Reading, Summarize, And Test) Strategy In Online English Learning To Improve Student Reading Comprehension At Man Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Ananda, Kiki Rezki (2019) Developing English Proficiency Test Media in Junior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Anggraeni, Ayu (2020) The Implementation of Blindfold Game to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Grade of SMPN 2 Lembang Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Angraeni, Rini (2022) Teacher’s Problems in Conducting Online Teaching (A Case Study of English Teachers at SMPN 2 Polewali Mandar). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Annas, Sri Adliyani (2018) The Comparison Between Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Share (TPS) and Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) of Students’ Achievement in Speaking Skill at IX Class SMPN 2 Of Labakkang Kabupaten Pangkep. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Anti, Anti (2023) EFL Teachers’ Teaching Strategy In Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes (An Analysis at MA Al- Badar Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Anugrah, Isri (2020) Analysis of Code Mixing in Teaching at The Second Grade Students of MTs DDI Palirang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Apriani, Nepi (2020) The Students’ Ability in Identifying English Affixation at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Patampanua Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aprianti, Nur (2019) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Through Hangaroo Word Game at The Seventh Grade Students of MTs PP DDI As-salman Allakuang Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aprianti, Widya (2018) The Application of Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy to Increase Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Students at SMPN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aprilia, Nita Amanda (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Bingo Game at the First Grade of SMPN 2 Kulo Kabupaten Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aras, Rasda (2019) The Effectiveness of Using Fidel Chart Media to Improve Students’ Pronunciation in English Vowel at Tenth Year students of SMKN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Areski, Widya Pribadiyanti (2018) Using Expression Card Media to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill at The Second Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aries, Norzulya (2020) Teaching Vocabulary Through Students’ Visual Spatial Intelligence at the Second year of MAN Sidenreng Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Arifuddin, Arifuddin (2023) Students’ difficulties in speaking English during Covid-19 at the second grade of MTs. DDI Kanang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Arjun, Arjun (2018) The Effect of Using Grammar Translation Method in Arranging Compound Sentences at the Eighth Grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Armawati, Armawati (2020) Students’ Perception of Learning Process on Speaking Class Through Online at the Second Semester of IAIN Parepare in Covid-19 Situation. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Arsyad, Muhammad Dimas (2021) An Analysis the Use of Pronoun in Descriptive Text Made by Seventh-Grade Students at Junior High School 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asad, Nurul Istiqomah (2018) The Effectiveness of GRASP Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Year Students of MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ashari, Ayu (2021) Teachers and students’ perception towards the use of ICT in EFL Classroom at Islamic Senior High School 2 Soppeng. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aslan, Muh. (2021) The Influence of Arabic Sounds Toward English Pronunciation Skill of Class VII at MTs At-Taqwa Jampue Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asmi, Miftahul Nurul (2019) Improving Students’ Exposition Text through Thematic Progression at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA YMPI Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asran, Asran (2018) The Influence of Using Everyone Is a Teacher Here Strategy Toward the Student’s Learning Outcome on Learning English at the Second Year of MTs YMPI Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asri S., Asri S. (2019) The Use of Critical Incident Method to Improve Students Speaking Skill at the Second Grade Students of MAN 1 Mamuju. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asrianti, Asrianti (2021) Parental Support of Students in the Process of Learning English During the Pandemic Covid-19 at SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare,. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asshiddiq, Muh. (2019) Using video critic strategy in developing students’ writing ability at SMA Negeri 11 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Astina, Astina (2020) The Analysis of Teaching English Pronunciaion at Young Learners at SD Negeri 82 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Astuti, Sri Rejeki Kusuma (2020) The Students Anxiety in Presenting Research Proposal at Ninth Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asyiyah, Asyiyah (2021) The Effectiveness of Using BBC Learning English Application to Improve Students’ Pronunciation in English Consonant at Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Auliyah, A. Sukma (2020) Increasing Students Interest in Learning English Through Cooperative Blended Learning Strategy at Class X of SMKN 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Azis, St. Maimuna Bt. (2020) An Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking through Debate at English Meeting Club of MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Azisah, Nur (2019) The Teacher’s Strategy To Improve Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Negeri Baranti. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Bahri, Samsul (2020) The Effectiveness of Previewing as Pre-Reading Activity to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at Grade of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Barsyam, Fitriyani (2020) Students Perception of English Teachers Competence at SMKN 1 Polewali. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Billasari, Billasari (2020) Using Magic Disc to Increase Students’ Speaking Ability at the First Grade Students of SMAN 4 Barru. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dahlan, Era (2019) The Students’ Learning Strategy And Motivation In Developing Their Speaking Ability At Sixth Semester Of English Department (IAIN Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dahlan, Nadila (2021) Students’ Acceptance on the Google Classroom in English Learning at SMAN Matakali Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Daim, Suriati (2021) The Influence of Reading Habits on Students’ Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 8 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dari, Tasma (2018) The Students’ Ability in Identifying Independent Clause and Dependent Clause in Complex Sentence. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Darmawan, Aswan (2018) The Influence of Teacher’s Strategy toward Students’ Interest in Learning English of Junior High School 3 of Barru. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Darniati, Darniati (2019) The Use of Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Model in Improving the Students Vocabulary of the First Year Students of Mts. DDI Labukkang Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dayanti, Dayanti (2019) Improving the Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text Through Example Non Example Method at SMPN Satap 5 Baraka. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dewi, Arisma Sari (2021) The Influence of Teachers’ Performance toward Students’ Speaking English Skill of The Second Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dewi, Kartina (2019) The Use of Cooperative Script on Students’ Speaking Skill at SMP Negeri 6 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Dewiana, Shindy Lukman (2023) “The Effective Of Riddle Game On Vocabulary Mastery Of The Seventh Grade Students Of Smp Negeri 4 Parepare”. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Diana, Diana (2021) Students` Perception on Assignment Given at English Department State Islamic Institute Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ekasari, Titian (2020) Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Look and Say Method at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Elviani, Elviani (2021) Teachers’ difficulties in teaching English during Covid-19 at SMAN 6 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ernawati, Ernawati (2021) The Effect of Rotation Reading Literacy-based Activity Use towards Students’ English Reading and Writing Interest at Class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Labakkang. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Faisa, Mugfirah Nur (2019) The Use of Participation Point System to Improve the Students Speaking Ability at the Second Grade Students in MTS DDI Kaballangang Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fajriansyah, Syukron (2012) The Analysis of Character Strength on Students' English Department at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fatimah, Andi (2020) Etika Bisnis Ekonomi Syariah: Studi pada Pebisnis Online di Kota Parepare. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fatimah, Fatimah (2018) Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by using picture card At The Eighth Grade Of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fatriadin, Fatriadin (2020) The Using Collaborative Strategic Reading to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at eighth grade of MTs Al-Badar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fauziah, Fauziah (2019) The Effect of Using Dictogloss Technique towards Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Paragraph of Second-grade Students at MTs DDI AT-taqwa Jampue Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Firda, Ersa (2022) The Effectiveness of Teachers’ Teaching Style Toward Students’ Speaking Skill at SMK Negeri 8 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Fitriani, Fitriani (2021) Students Reading Ability in Receiving Information of Explanation Text at Third Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fitriani, Fitriani (2020) Developing Reading Comprehension with Moving Image Narratives At The Second Year Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Tutar Kab. Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fitriani, Fitriani (2019) Teachers’ Perception of Using English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Textbooks to Achieve the English Learning Objective of Vocational School, English Program of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fitriani S, Fitriani S (2018) Improving Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade Office Administration students of SMK NEGERI 1 PINRANG By Using Experience-Text-Relationship (ETR) Method. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Galla, Nur Pradini (2021) Speaking Skill Use Seven Rules by A.J. Hoge YouTube Channel (Study of Phenomenology). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Gusriana, Gusriana (2020) Increasing the Students Reading Ability through Using Drill Method by Wondershare Quiz Creator at the Eight Grade of SMPN2 Mattirobulu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hadijah, Hadijah (2020) The implementation of cloze procedure technique in enhancing students’ reading ability at the second grade students of SMAN 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hajirah, Hajirah (2018) The Effectiveness of Using Problem-Based Instruction in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability at The Second Grade of MA IZZATUL MA’ARIF Tappina. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Halid, Fefiyanti (2021) The Influence of Vocabulary Mastery toward Ability in Translating English Text into Indonesia at the First Grade of SMPN 1 Maiwa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hamka, Hamka (2020) Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Manasik Haji Peserta Didik Kelas X SMK Amsir 1 Parepare. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hamzah, Hardianti (2021) Developing English Vocabulary Material Based Android For The First Grade Students. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hamzah, Wisma Angraeni (2023) The effect of Kahoot Application on Vocabulary Mastery of The Second Grade Students of SMPN 2 Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Hanawali, Suci (2023) The Teachers’ Effort in Increasing Students’ Motivation in Learning English Online at MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Handayani, Herni Tri (2021) Error Analysis of Students’ in Spelling, Capitalization, and Punctuation Marks in Writing Descriptive Text Encountered at Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Handayani, Sri (2021) Students’ Ability in morphological bound morphem at The Second Grade of MA DDI Tellu Limpoe. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Handayani, Yusri (2021) An Analaysis of Common Grammar Mistakes In Students Academic Writing at The English Departement of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hannas, Hannas (2019) The comparison between using Aco software and Clapping game to enrich students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade year students of SMAN 7 pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hansi, Hamsiani (2020) Correlation between Scientific Approach and Students Achievement in Learning English on Online Class at Third Grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hardiana, Hardiana (2019) Applying Chunking Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 6 Duampanua Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hardiana, Hardiana (2020) English Teachers’ Competence in Developing Teaching Materials Based on 2013 Curriculum at SMAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hardianti, Sitti (2018) The Use of Students’ Personal Experiences to Increase Writing Creativity at the Second Year Students of SMPN 10 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hardiyanti SF, Hardiyanti SF (2021) The Effect of Using Authentic Materials toward the Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hariani, Hariani (2018) Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through the Power of Two Strategy at smp negeri 4 balusu, English Program of Tarbiyah Department, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hariani, Hariani (2020) The effectiveness of cooperative learning with collaboration quantum teaching method in teaching reading comprehension at the nine grade students of junior high school 4 Suppa. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hariyanti, Niarmi (2019) Improving Speaking Skill By Using English Drama (A Pre-Experimental Research at The Second Year Student of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Harjuna, Harjuna (2019) Problematic in English Learning at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Negeri 4 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Harpia, Harpia (2020) The Implementation of Blindfold Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eight Grade of MTs DDI Lil Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hartati, Hartati (2021) The students’ ability in English by using youtube media at the first grade of MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Harwika, Harwika (2019) Using Word Wall Media to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 4 Marioriawa Kab.Soppeng. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Has, Surya A Yusuf (2021) An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in the Background of the Skripsi of English Education Program in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasanah, Uswatun (2020) A Perception On Industry Revolution 4.0 Digital Age And Its Impact On English Learning Motivation To The Students Of Islamic Higher Education In Parepare South Sulawesi. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin (2021) Using Mimicking Technique on Pronunciation Skill at the EightGrade Students of English Program of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasanuddin, St. Warda (2020) The Implementation of Describing Pictures to Improve Writing Skills at SMP Negeri 2 Batulappa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasbawati, Hasbawati (2018) The Students’ Learning Motivation in Speaking Course at the Third Semester of English Program Tarbiyah Department in IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Haslinda, Haslinda (2021) The Students’ Skill in Performing a Speech at The Eleventh Grade of SMA N 6 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Haslindah, Haslindah (2018) The Combination of Herringbone with Buzz Group Technique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Social Grade of MAN PINRANG. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasman, Riska Afriyanti (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Through Participation Point System method at Second Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasmiati, Hasmiati (2020) The Effectiveness Read, Encode, Annotate and Ponder (REAP) Technique toward Students’ Reading comprehensionat the eleventh grade ofSMA Negeri 1 Sarudu Kab. Pasangkayu. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasniati, Hasniati (2018) The Implementation of “Go and Find Out” Activities to Improve Students’ English Speaking Skill at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 8 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasnidar, Hasnidar (2019) Improving the students’ speaking skills through 5E learning cycle model at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasniyanti, Hasniyanti (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Mnemonics technique at Rumah Bambu Pintar (RBP) Desa Wiringtasi Kec. Suppa Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasria S, Hasria S (2020) The Implementation of Co-Op Co-Op Strategy to Increase the Eighth Grade Students’ Activeness in Reading at MTsN 2 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasriana, Hasriana (2020) Enhancing Students’Vocabulary Mastery by usingCourse Review Horayat SMP 4 Tiroang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasrina, Sitti (2018) The Use of Round Robin Technique to Improve the Reading Comprehension at the Eight Year Students’ of SMP Negeri 1 Suppa Kab Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hatim, Nurul Alifiah (2021) Preparation of English Students Toward the TOEFL exam at IAIN Parepare) Supervised. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hendra, Floria Sukma Binti (2020) Analyzing Students’ Concentration in Learning Reading at the First Year Students of MTs Ma’Arif Sarampu Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Henrika, Henrika (2021) The Effect of the use “Ruang Guru” Application to Increase Students Learning English Achievement in SMPN 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Herawati A, Herawati A (2021) Students’ Attitude on Speaking English at The Second Grade Of Boarding School Al-Risalah Batetangnga Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Herdi, Herdi (2020) Upgrading Students’ Articulation Via “English Pronunciation” Software At The Second Grade Of SMAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hervina P., Hervina P. (2020) The Use of Problem Solving Method as A Collaborative Learning to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at Second Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Putri As’adiyah Sengkang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Heryanti, Mardiana (2018) A Comparative Study on Teaching Writing in Recount Text by Using Interactive Writing and Guided Writing Technique at the Eighth Grade at SMPN 2 Lanrisang Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hidayatunnafiah, Hidayatunnafiah (2020) Improving the Speaking Ability through Comedy Drama at the First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hikmah, Hikmah (2019) The Analysis of Students’ Metacognitive Ability on Reading Strategies at the Eleventh Grade of MA PP DDI As-Salman Allakuang Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hikmah, Hikmah (2020) The Increasing of English Speaking Ability by Using “Peacemaking Circle Strategy”at the VIII Class of Junior High School 4 Baranti. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hisnairah, Hisnairah (2020) Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Stand up Sequences Game at the Second Year Students’ of MA- Al Amanah Waikaya Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

ILMAN, MAKBUL (2023) The Effectiveness Of Giving Reward And Punishment Used By English Teacher To Approach Students’ Motivation At Mts Al-Furqan Noling Kabupaten Luwu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Idhar, Muhammad (2017) The Identification of English Pronunciation on Error on Vowels Made by students at the tenth grade of Islamic Boarding School of Mamuju. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Idris, A. Muh. Syafri (2016) Comparing Between Total Physical Response and Silent Way to Develop Speaking Students’ Ability at Second Grade Senior High School 1 Liliriaja Kab. Soppeng. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Idrus, Irsan Suandi (2018) The Effectiveness of Town Meeting Strategy toward Students’ Speaking Ability In SMAN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Idul, Muhammad (2020) The Increasing Vocabulary Mastery of The Scout Students of SMPN 4 Parepare Through Semaphore and Sandi Techniques. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ihsan, Ihsan (2019) Identification of Students’ Syntactic Fossilization at the Second Year Students at MTs DDI Lero kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ilham, Ilham (2018) The Correlation Between Students’ Habit In Watching English Movie and Their Vocabulary Mastery at The Fifth Semester Of State Islamic Institute Of Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ilmi, Nur (2018) Improving Reading Ability Through PORPE Strategy at The TenthGrade of MA Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina Kabupaten Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Imampirammin, Putri (2019) The Correlation Teachers Performance and Students Motivation in Learning English at SMK Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Indriani, Indriani (2021) The Correlation between Online Scrabble Games and Vocabulary Mastery at the Member of LIBAM IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Intan, Intan (2019) Applying Fishbowl Technique to Enhance Students’ Speaking Ability at Eleventh GradeStudent of SMA 1 TUTAR. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Intan, Siti Rahmayani Abbas (2021) Increasing Writing Skill through Procedural Text for the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Irma, Irma (2020) Tantangan yang Ditemukan Oleh Guru EFL dalam Mengajar Keterampilan Produktif dan Keterampilan Reseptif di SMPN 2 Mattirobulu. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Irmayanti, Irmayanti (2024) Menginvestigasi Motivasi Siswa dalam Melakukan Latihan Bahasa Inggris. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Irnawati, Irnawati (2021) Simple Tenses Mastery of Students at the Second Grade of MTs DDI Buntukamassi Kab. Luwu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Irvasiani, Irvasiani (2020) Analyzing the Speaking Ability Between the Students in Dormitoryv and Members of LIBAM at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ismaliani GM., Ismaliani GM. (2020) Remote Learning: Speaking Skill at Vocational High School 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Istiqamah, Nur (2019) Improving The Students Speaking Skill Through Fishbowl Strategy At The Second Grade Of SMAN 3 Gowa, English Program of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jannah, Miftahul (2020) Analysis of students’ Personality in Their Speaking Ability at Second Grade of SMPN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jasruddin, Nurjannah (2021) The Effectiveness Of Students’ Worksheet (Lks) In Teaching English During Covid-19 Pandemic At The Second Grade Of SMAN 5 PINRANG. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Jayhan, Rezky (2020) Using Top Down and Bottom Up Processing As a Strategy to Enhance Students’ Listening Ability at The First Grade of SMK Negeri 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jufri, Nurjannah (2018) Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Throught the Use Pre-Reading Task at the Eight Grade of SMPN 4 Belawa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Juliana, Juliana (2019) The Effectiveness of MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Digest, Expand and Review) Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension at Tenth Year students of SMK Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jumriani, Jumriani (2021) Students’ Ability in Using Relative Pronoun at Fourth Semester of English Education Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jumriati, Jumriati (2020) Enhancing Student’s Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text by Using K-W-L (Know, Want, Learn) Strategy at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 9 Lembang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Juniarti, Nur Trisina (2019) Using Tongue Twister Technique to Improve Students’ Pronunciation Ability at the First Grade of SMK Negeri 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kadir, Hasni (2019) The Use of Anagram Technique to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Eighth Grade of MTs Al-Wasilah Lemo Kabupaten Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kalsum, Ummi (2018) The Implementation of Describing Pictures Strategy in Improving Speaking Skills at the Eight Grade of SMPN 10 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kamaria, Nur (2018) Improving the students’ reading skill using Preview, Ask Question, Read and Summarize (PARS) Strategy of the second grade of MTs. Guppi Kalimbua Kab. Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Karmila, Evi (2020) The implementation of word clap game to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery (an experimental research at the fourth grade students of SDN 173 Tiroang Kabupaten Pinrang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Karmila, Karmila (2018) The Correlation between Students’ learning style and students’ reading comprhension at the tenth grade of MA DDI Takkalasi. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Karmila M., Karmila M. (2021) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Hot Seat Game in Lorong Belajar Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kartika, Hesti Tri (2021) The Role of Parents in Online English Learning at SMPN 3 Patampanua. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kasmiati, Kasmiati (2021) Classroom Discourse Analysis on Language Interaction at the 1st Level Class of STAR English Course Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khairat, Multi (2020) Applying Scientific Approach to Enhance Students` Speaking Skill At the VIII Class of MTS Nuhiyah Pambusuang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khairunnisa, Nurul (2018) The Effect of Preview, Question, Read, State, Test (Pqrst) Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eight Grade of MTs DDIi As-Salman Allakuang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khairunniza, Indah (2023) Error Analysis on Using Simple Present Tense in Writing Descriptive Text by the Tenth Grade Students of UPT SMA Negeri 2 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Kharisma, Kharisma (2021) The Students’ Intonation Ability on English Pronunciation in Reading Passages at Eight Grade of SMP 1 Maiwa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khatimah, Khusnul (2019) The Effectiveness of Neurological Impress Method to Encourage Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 4 Lalabata Kabupaten Soppeng. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khatimah.B, Husnul (2021) The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Model Based on WhatsApp Messenger Application to Improve Students English Vocabulary at SMPN 3 Patampanua. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kirani, Kirani (2020) The Effectiveness of Picto Text Glosses to improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Seven Grade of SMP Negeri 12 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Lathifa, Lufna (2021) Students’ Perception of Teacher’s Method in Learning English at the Second Grade of SMP Laninag Makassar Analisys. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Lestari, Siti (2018) Improving The Abilityi in Writing Paragraph at the Second Grade Students of SMK Negeri 5 Pinrang through Paraphrasing Technique. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Lestary, Desy (2018) The Effectiveness of Using Natural Approach to Improve Students’ Interaction Ability (A Classroom Action Research at Second Grade of SMAN 4 Pinrang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Liling, Siti Wirda (2021) The Correlation between English and Arabic Pronunciation Skill in Pondok Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqaa Benteng Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Lukman, Dewi Yuliani (2020) Students’ Perception towards Teaching Strategy Used by English Teachers at SMPN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Mahrum, Neno Aulia (2021) The Use Of Process Genre approach in improving writing ability at eleventh grade social students of SMAN 4 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Majid, Rahmadani Fitri (2021) Analysis Of Students’ Speaking Anxiety on Virtual Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study at The Second Grade of SMKN 3 Enrekang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mardhatillah, Mardhatillah (2024) Challenges Faced by English Teachers in Implementing the Independent Curriculum. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mardhatillah, Mardhatillah (2020) Using Critical Thinking Through Debate to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade of MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mariana, Mariana (2019) Impoving reading comprehension by using IBT Method (Inquiry Based Teaching) of MA Izzatul Ma’Arif Tappina Kab. Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Marra, Amirulhaq in (2021) The Analisys of Students’ Difficulties on Understanding Article Text on Seventh Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Masriani, Masriani (2018) The Correlation between Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery and Their Ability in Translating Narrative Text at the First Year of SMA Negeri 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ma’ruf, Hartina (2020) Empowering Students’ Writing Skill By Using Personal Letter at The Second-Grade Students at MTs DDI at-Taqwa Jampue. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Megawany, Megawany (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Spelling Bee Game at the Second Grade of MA YMPI Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Meksi, Meksi (2020) Improving Grammar Ability of the Second Grade Students of SMKN 3 Wajo to Differentiate between Must and Have to trough Blended Learning Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mirda, Mirda (2020) Improving Students’ Ability to Write an Analytical Exposition Text by Using Youtube Videos at the second year students of SMAN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mirnawati, Mirnawati (2020) Measuring the English Lecturers’ Evaluation Tests Items in English Education Program of Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Parepare (Analysis of Content Validity of Final Tests Items). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mirnayanti, Mirnayanti (2021) Analysis Of Students’ Error in Using Five Basi Tenses at the Second grade of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mi’raj, Rizky Lailatul (2019) The Implementation of One Stay Rest Stray in Teaching Narrative Text to Improve Students’ Reading Skill at The Eleven Grade Of MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mufti, Nurafiati Dewia (2023) The Correlation Between Socio-Economic Status and Students' English Achievement in UPT SMK Negeri 1 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Muftiara, A. Wilda (2021) Using Kahoot Application as Evaluation Tools for English Learning in Tenth Grade Computer and Network Engineering Majors of SMK Negeri 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Muhammad, Fadil (2023) 2022. The Effectiveness of Using Quizizz Application to Evaluate English Learning at Libam IAIN Parepare. Thesis. English Education Program. Tarbiyah Faculty. State Islamic Religion Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Muhammad, Fadil (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Quizizz Application to Evaluate English Learning at Libam IAIN Parepare. Thesis. English Education Program. Tarbiyah Faculty. State Islamic Religion Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Muhlis, Dwi Indriani (2021) Program design of immersionAt Britania School Of English, Math & Preschool Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mukmin, Munira (2020) The Students’ Pronunciation Awareness (A Case Study at the Students’ English Department State Islamic Institute Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Muliani, Muliani (2016) Using Students’ Personal Experiences To Improve The Students’ Writing Ability Of The Second Year Of MAN Baranti Kabupaten Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mulinda, Andi Hapsa (2020) Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Read, Encode. Annotate and Ponder (REAP) Technique at the Eighth Grade of MTs Guppi Kaluppang Kabupaten Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Munarti, Munarti (2019) Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery by Using Principled Eclcticticism Method at Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mattiro bulu Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mustahat, Evatul Jannah (2021) The Using Of Fix Up Strategy in Reading Skill at M.Ts.P.P Yasrib Lapajung Soppeng. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mutahhara, Mutahhara (2021) The Correlation between Students’ Self-Esteem and Students’ Reading Comprehension at the second grade of SMA Negeri 4 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah (2020) The Effectiveness of Mnemonic Keyword Method to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The First Year of SMP Negeri 12 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah (2018) The Implentation of Practice-rehearsal Pairs Strategy to Improve English Speaking Skills at the Eight Grade of MA DDI Kaballangang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mu’minati, Mu’minati (2020) Mu’minati. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) At The Eighth Grade Of SMP Negeri 1 Baraka Kab.Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nasaruddin, St. Ainun Pratiwi (2021) The Teachers’ Technique in Teaching Speaking Skill at Second Grade of SMK Negeri 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nasirah, Nasirah (2020) The Implementation of Google Classroom in Learning English of the Students During The Covid_19: Case Studies in SMP Negeri 12 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nasrah, Nasrah (2018) The Implementation of Story Map Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text at The Second Grade Students of SMAN 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nasrullah, Nasrullah (2019) Improving Speaking Skill through Whole Brain Teaching as Strategy at The Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nengsi, Sri (2021) Students’ Interest on Remote Learning (a study at the Second Grade of SMPN 1 Lembang Kabupaten Pinrang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nirwana, Nirwana (2020) Integrative Motivation of Students in Learning English: Case Study on Rumah Bambu Pintar in Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nisra, Nisra (2020) Using Humor Story to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Norma, Norma (2024) The Correlation between Extrovert and Introvert Students Personality on Speaking Achievement at English Education Department IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nur, Hariana (2021) Teachers and Students’ Perception Using Quick Response (QR) Program in EFL Teaching and Learning. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurdin, Nindah Sari (2020) Students Difficulties in speaking English at the First Grade of SMKN 1 Parepare Majoring Marketing Program. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurdin, Nurdiana (2022) The Teachers’ Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension at The Eight Grade of SMPN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfadillah, Andi (2021) Investigating Students’ Emotional Intelligence in Speaking English Of English Education Undergraduate Program in IAIN Parepare. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfadillah, Nurfadillah (2020) KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned) Strategy for Teaching English Reading Comprehension in EFL Classroom : A Study of Teachers’ Creativity and Perception. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfatima, Nurfatima (2021) Identifying Students’ Self- Confidence in Speaking English at the Eight Year of Junior High School 1 Maiwa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfia R, Nurfia R (2020) The Implementation of Cooperative Script Learning Model to Increase Students’ Intensive Speaking Skill at SMK DDI Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfitri, Nurfitri (2018) Increasing Vocabulary Mastery of The First Year Students of SMP Negeri 3 Pamboang Through Concept Mapping Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhalijah, Nurhalijah (2018) The Use of traffic Sign Pictures to Improve the Students’ Ability in Constructing Imperative Sentence at the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Tellu Limpoe Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhaliza, Nurhaliza (2021) Encouraging Students’ Vocabulary Ability by Using Digital Video Game-Based Learning at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 8 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhana, Nurhana (2020) The use of Relay Race Game Method to Improve Students’Capabilities in Grade Eight at SMPN 2 Pangale Kab, Mamuju Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhana M, Nurhana M (2019) The Application of Describing Picture Technique to Improve Students’Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at the Second Grade Students of SMP NEGERI 2 Patampanua Pinrang (Classroom Action Research). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhayati, Dian (2020) The Implication of Edutaintment to Increase Student Reading Comprehension at MTsN 2 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhidayah, Nurhidayah (2021) The Students’ Writing Five Basic Tenses at The Second Grade of SMAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhikma, Nurhikma (2020) The Implementation of Observe and Remember Game to Improve Vocabulary Mastery at The Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Cempa Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurjanna, Siti (2023) Using Content Based Instruction Approach to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at SMP Negeri 9 SATAP Maiwa Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Nurjannah, Nurjannah (2020) The Students’ Perception in Learning English by Using WhatsApp Media at The Tenth Grade of MAN 2 Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurjannah, Nurjannah (2019) Using Blended Media to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Seventh Grade at MTs DDI At-taqwa Jampue Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurlaila, Sitti (2019) The Influence of Arabic Pronunciation Ability Toward the Students’ English Pronunciation Ability at MTs PIQ Miftahul Jannah Kec.Tutar Kab. Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurmala, Nurmala (2020) Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text at the Eighth Grade of MTs AL-QAMAR Kassa through Jigsaw Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurmalinda, Tamara Riska (2022) Need Analysis in English for Specific Purposes Learning of Students Islamic Journalism at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Nursal, Muhammad Akbar (2021) Semiotic Analysis of Educational Values in Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams - A Million Dreams Song Lyrics. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nursam, Nursam (2018) Using Grammar Booster Computer Program to Teach English Grammar to the Second Year Students of SMKN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nursyafitri, Nursyafitri (2020) Improving the students’ reading comprehension through phonics method at the second year students of MA DDI Tellu Limpoe Kab. Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nuryani, Nuryani (2018) Improving Students’ Vocabulary by Using Drill Method at the Second Grade of MTs Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina Kab.Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Palra, Ummubisma (2022) Analysis of Teachers’ Challenge in Online English Learning Assessment. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Paluseri, Fadhel (2021) Analyzing Students’ Understanding on Five Simple Tenses at The Second Grade of SMPN 10 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Pertiwi, Intan (2019) Students’ Paraphrasing Techniques in Writing (A Study at the Senior Students of English Program of IAIN Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Pratiwi, Ade (2018) Improving Students’ Skills in Writing Descriptive Text at the First Grade of SMAN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Pratiwi, Ayu (2019) The Use of Homophone Game to Improve Students’ Pronunciation at The Seventh Grade of MTs Negeri 2 SidenrengRappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Pratiwi, Intan (2019) Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Tenth Grade of SMKN 7 Pinrang Through Read, Examine, Decide, Write (REDW) Strategy, English Program of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Pratiwi, Riska (2020) Increasing Students’ Writing on Analytical Exposition Text through Collaborative Learning Strategy At SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Purnamasari, Purnamasari (2019) Improving Students’ Vocabulary by Using Mixed-up Riddle Game at the Second Grade of MTS DDI Kaballangang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Putri, Ardiana (2019) Increasing Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Simple Projects of The Second Year Students of Smp Al-Badar DDI Bilalang Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Putri, Juwita Violanita (2021) The Students’ Ability in Using Personal Pronoun in Simple Sentence at The Second Grade of SMPN 5 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Putri, Natasya Diyanti (2021) Students’ Difficulties in Using Paraphrase to Complete a Skripsi in English Department at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Putri, Udaibah Tabiin (2021) Students’ Perception toward the Use of Edlink Platform at the Second Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Putriani M, Putriani M (2021) The students' difficulties in writing the undergraduate thesis at English education program of tarbiyah faculty of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Qur’an, Nurfadhila Tul (2020) Enhancing the Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Skill at the First Year of MAN 2 Barru by Using Project Based Learning (PBL). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rahim, Rosita (2021) The Implementation of Consecutive Interpreting Strategies at the Second Grade MA DDI Kanang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rahmah, Nur (2019) The use of Jazz Chant Technique for Teaching Pronunciation at The Second Year Students of SMPN 4 Model Parepare (Classroom Action Research). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rahman, Arif (2021) Perception of Teacher and Students’ Toward WhatsApp Use for English Foreign Languagel Distance Learning at X Grade Sman 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rahman, Wawan Abd. (2021) The Use of Short Story to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at SMAN 9 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rahmania, Andi (2020) The Application of Graphic Organizer to Increase Reading Compherension of the First Grade Students of SMK 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rahmiaty SN, Rahmiaty SN (2021) Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill Through Picture Word Inductive Model (Pwim) Media at The Eight Grade of SMP Al-Birru Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ramdani, Riska (2021) The Comparison Between Students’ Learning Outcomes In Offline And Online Learning At SMK Negeri 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ramlah, Ramlah (2019) The Analysis of Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence to Teach Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ramli, Hilyah (2021) Students’ Translation Quality in Translating English-Indonesian Text at the Seventh Semester Students of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ramli, Ramli (2017) Correlation between Student’s Vocabulary Mastery and Translation Ability at MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ramli, Ramli (2018) The Effectiveness Of Pre Reading Plan (PReP) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at The Second Grade of SMAN 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Raoda, Raoda (2021) The Effect of Teacher Personality Toward Effectiveness English Learning at SMPN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rasdiana, Rasdiana (2018) Applying Two Stay Two Stray Technique by Using Picture Series to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade in MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rasdiyanah, Rasdiyanah (2021) Analysis Undergraduate Students’ Self Efficacy In Writing Thesis At English Department Of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rastina, Rastina (2020) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique at the Second Grade of SMP Al Birru Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ratri, Ratri (2019) Increasing Students’ Skill to Write Descriptive Paragraph at the Eight Grade Students of SMPN 1 Patampanua Through Clustering Technique. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rauf, Abd. (2018) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Total Physical Respon at Member Of Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rays, Fatmah (2017) Increasing Students’ Vocabulary By Using Stand Up Sequences Game At The Eight Grade of Smp Negeri 2 Patampanua Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Reski, Reski (2020) The Analysis of Teacher’s Teaching Method in English Speaking Skill at The Second Grade of SMAN 2 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Reskianti, Reskianti (2005) Improving English Vocabulary Throught Crosword Puzzle To The First Years Students Of SMP Kartika Wirabuana 5 Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rijal, Nur Ayu (2022) The Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Students’ Speaking Ability the 5th Semester of English Education Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risa S, Fatimah (2020) The effectiveness of Mnemonic Technique to Improve Students English Vocabulary at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 6 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risdayanti, Risdayanti (2020) The Using Pictures Series to Improve Students’ Writing Skills at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Pinrang,English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risdha R, Risdha R (2019) Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Through Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy at the Nineth Grade Students of MTs Lautang Belawa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risma, Risma (2023) An Analysis of the English Teacher-Made Test For Second Grade Students at UPT SMKN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risma, Risma (2019) Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text at the Eight Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Belawa Through Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rismayani, Rismayani (2018) The comparison between using jigsaw and numbered head together (NHT) technique toward the students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh social grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rismayanti, Rismayanti (2021) An Error Analysis of Students’ Writing Skill in Using Word Order of Recount Text at Second Grade Of SMAN 2 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rismayanti, Rismayanti (2021) The Correlation between Student Reading Habit and Students Reading Comprehension at the second grade of SMAN 4 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risnah, Risnah (2018) The Effectiveness of Inductive Approach in Teaching Phrases at the First Year students of SMA Negeri 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rista, Miranda Dwi (2021) The effect of using video in teaching English toward students’ achievement during Covid-19 at the third grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rukmana, Rukmana (2020) Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary by Using Clustering Technique at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Lembang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rusdi L, Rusdi L (2019) The Use of Interactive Video Multimedia in Improving Students’ Vocabulay Mastery at the Seventh Grade of MTs SA PP Al-Ikhlas Wette’e Sidenreng Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ruslan, Nurmifta Sri Rahayu (2021) The Type of Students’ Personality to Become Prospective English Teachers at English Programt IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rusnaini, Rusnaini (2020) The influence of reinforcement to motivate the students in learning speaking at SMPN 3 Batulappa Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rustam, Rusfiani (2021) The Students’ Perception of Teacher’s Style in Teaching English at SMPN 1 Maniangpajo Kab. Wajo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rustomi, Kiki Anggreny (2021) Students’ Perception of Audio Lingual Method in Learning English of VIII Grade at SMPN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sabir, Elmi Sarina (2023) Improving Students’ Listening Skill by Using Metro Globe Network Channel at Second Grade at SMAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

Safitri, Eka (2018) The Effectiveness of “Give One-Get One” Activities to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Year of Madrasah Aliyah Al Mubarak DDI Tobarakka Kabupaten Wajo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sahraeni, Dewi (2020) The Analysis of Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence to Teach Reading Comprehension at SMPN 4 SendanaTammero’do Sendana District Majene Regency. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sainuddin, Anita Anggraeni (2019) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (VSS) at Dormitory of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Saleh, Sri Rahayu (2021) Using Blended Method to Improve Students Writing in Narrative Paragraph at the Second Year Students of MTS DARUL ULUMATH-THARIYAH Paladang Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Salmawati, Salmawati (2020) An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing In Teaching Learning Process At SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Salmawati, Salmawati (2021) An Analysis of Speaking Anxiety in Online Learning at the Third Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sanita, Sanita (2019) The Effectiveness of Using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension on Recount Text at The Second Year of SMPN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Santri, Fadhilah (2020) The Effectiveness of Memrise Application to Upgrade Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sari, Novita (2021) Improving Vocabulary Mastery Students Through Observe And Remember Games At The Second Grade Of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMKN) 3 Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sartika, Dewi (2020) Encouraging Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Bloom Taxonomies Concept At Smpn 11 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Selviana, Selviana (2021) Teachers’ Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary for the Students of Man 2 Barru. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sholihah, Iis (2019) The ability of Students to Identifying Expression in Reading of Narrative Text at SMPN 2 Tellu Limpoe. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Shulfiany, Shulfiany (2018) The Effectiveness of Silent Way Method in Teaching Pronunciation: Vowel Sounds at the Seventh Grade Students in Mts. DDI Lil-Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Suharsono, Suharsono (2020) An Analysis of Moral Value in “English Textbook” Students Textbook at The First Grade of Senior High School 7 Pinrang, English Program of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sulaeman, Siti Hardianti (2022) The Perception of Grammar Checker Users Towards the Use of Grammarly at the English Program IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Suliadi, Suliadi (2020) Developing English Learning Materials For Students Vocational High School Of Fishery Major. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sumarkina, Eky Eljum (2018) The Using of Short Conversation to Increase Speaking Mastery at the First Year of SMPN 6 parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Suryani, Suryani (2020) The Implementation of Jigsaw Model to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Eight Grade of SMPN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sutriani, Sutriani (2021) An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety in English Classroom between male and female at the Second Year students MTsN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syaharuddin, Syaharuddin (2019) Implementing Direct Method to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the First Grade of MTs IUJ DDI Lerang-Lerang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syahrul, Syahrul (2019) The Students’ Perception towards the Good English Lecturers’ Pedagogical Competence at the English Program of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syahrul Y., Syahrul Y. (2020) Implementation of Anagram Word Games to Enrich Students Vocabulary at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Batulappa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam, Andi Syafitri (2020) The Influence of Visual Learning Style on Students’ Reading Ability at the Ninth Grade of UPT SMPN 2 Panca Lautang SIDRAP Regency. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam, Muhammad Ilham (2018) Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Islamic Story of the Seventh Year at the MTs. Al-Mustaqim Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam M, Sukma (2018) The Effectiveness of Using Guessing Game to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery at “Mindset English Center (MEC) course” Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syarifuddin, Sri Wahyuni (2021) Analysis of Reward and Punishment in EFL Classroom (A study of Teachers’ Classroom Management. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syuhendono, Dede (2020) The Effect of Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review (SQ3R) on Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Tenth Grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Tahir, Erni (2019) The Effectiveness of Associated Words Technique to Improve the Vocabulary Mastery Students at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Cempa Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Tahir, Rini Anggreni (2021) Reinforcement in Adult Learners of Speaking to the Members of Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) State Islamic Institute of Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Tenricaiyya, Andi (2021) Educational Moral Character Value Reflected in Hellen Keller Movie (Study content analysis at Seventh Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Triyastuti, Siska (2019) Improving Writing Skills of Students through Brainstorming (Picture and Simple Word List) Strategy at the First Grade of MTs Ma’arif Sarampu Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ufrah, Ufrah (2020) Teachers’ Creativity and Belief in Using Group Work as EFL Classroom Management Strategy. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Umar, Andi Arnita (2021) Improving Teachers Ability In Developing English Teaching Materials Through Digital English Story Design Training. Masters thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Usmayani, Usmayani (2020) The Use of Word Square Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Year of SMPN 4 Model Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Vitriani, Andhiny Angelia (2020) The Effect of Guided Question in Enhancing The Students’ Writing Skill at the Second Grade of SMPN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wahyuni, Nurul (2019) The Students’ Ability in English Pronunciation at the Fifth Semester of English Education Program at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare (Focus on English Intonation). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wahyuni, Sri (2019) The Use of Animaton Video in Contextual Teaching to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at SMPN 1 Watang Pulu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wahyuni, Yunita (2020) Using Conversation Card Game to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill at ACE Course Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wawo, Andi Ilham (2020) The Implementation Of Kim’s Memory Game To Increase Speaking Skiils of Language Community Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Widayanti, Sri (2021) Analyzing the Students’ Difficulties in Comprehending Explanation Text (Study at the Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wildayati, Wildayati (2021) Students’ Skill in Writing Summary of Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade MA DDI Lil-Banat PArepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wulan, Wulan (2021) Students’ Perception toward YouTube Video in Learning Speaking Skill at the Ninth Semester of English Department in IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wulandari, Dwi (2020) Using EGRA Technique to Improve Students` Grammar Mastery at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wulandari, Tri (2020) Improving Students’ Self-Confidence in Speaking Class Through English Meeting Club at the Third Semester of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yatriani, Yatriani (2020) An Analysis of Students’ Error in Pronouncing Fricatives Sounds for the Sixth Semester Students of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yema, Yema (2019) The Implementation of PLEASE (Pick, List, Evaluate, Active, Supply, and End) Strategy to improve students’ writing skill in descriptive paragraph at the second grade of SMAN 8 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yuniarti J, Resky (2021) An Analysis Of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Based on Its Generic Structure at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yunita, Isma (2020) Students’ Self-Confidence toward Learning Speaking in Covid-19 Pandemic at the Third Semester of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yunita, Riska (2020) Brain Based Learning Method to Improve Reading Comprehension of 8 Grade Students of SMPN 2 Tellu Limpoe Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yuyunwulandari, Yuyunwulandari (2023) Problem Based Learning Strategy On English Learning At SMA Negeri 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 05:19:35 2025 +08.