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Number of items: 118.


A.Nurrahmayani, A.Nurrahmayani (2020) Building up writing ability with use of free writing technique significantly of the students at the first grade of Madrasah Aliyah Al Mubarak DDI Tobarakka Kab.Wajo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Abidin, Dian Aisyah (2020) The Effectiveness of Using “A1 SpeechTRON” as a Media in Improving students Pronunciation at the Second Year Students of Vocational High School 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Abidin, Wahyuni (2020) Using Praise Question Polish Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Ability at MA Lil Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Adam, Zam-Zam (2020) Enhancing the Students’ Speaking Skill Through Peer and Self Assessment Methods at the Second Grade of SMA 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Adawiyah, Rabiatul (2020) The Use of Literacy Circle To Improve Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Agung, Muhammad Josua (2020) Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill Through Folktales Based Instruction Strategy By Using Whatsapp At SMP Muhammadiyah Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Agus, Nurdiana (2020) Students’ Morphological Error In Writing Narrative Composition At The Fifth-Semester of English Education Program IAIN Parepare In Academic Years 2019/2020. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ahnur, Virda Deviyanti (2020) The Use of the Power of Two Strategy in Teaching English to Improve the Reading Comprehension of the Eleventh Grade Students of Man Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Alvionita, Andi Rizky (2020) The Use of Three Step Interview to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at The Students of SMAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Anggraeni, Ayu (2020) The Implementation of Blindfold Game to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Grade of SMPN 2 Lembang Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Anugrah, Isri (2020) Analysis of Code Mixing in Teaching at The Second Grade Students of MTs DDI Palirang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Apriani, Nepi (2020) The Students’ Ability in Identifying English Affixation at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Patampanua Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aprilia, Nita Amanda (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Bingo Game at the First Grade of SMPN 2 Kulo Kabupaten Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Arham, Nurfadil (2020) Syntactical Analysis on Sentence Pattern in the Headlines of TEMPO news. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aries, Norzulya (2020) Teaching Vocabulary Through Students’ Visual Spatial Intelligence at the Second year of MAN Sidenreng Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Armawati, Armawati (2020) Students’ Perception of Learning Process on Speaking Class Through Online at the Second Semester of IAIN Parepare in Covid-19 Situation. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Astina, Astina (2020) The Analysis of Teaching English Pronunciaion at Young Learners at SD Negeri 82 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Astuti, Sri Rejeki Kusuma (2020) The Students Anxiety in Presenting Research Proposal at Ninth Semester of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Auliyah, A. Sukma (2020) Increasing Students Interest in Learning English Through Cooperative Blended Learning Strategy at Class X of SMKN 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Azis, St. Maimuna Bt. (2020) An Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking through Debate at English Meeting Club of MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Bahri, Samsul (2020) The Effectiveness of Previewing as Pre-Reading Activity to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at Grade of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Barsyam, Fitriyani (2020) Students Perception of English Teachers Competence at SMKN 1 Polewali. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Billasari, Billasari (2020) Using Magic Disc to Increase Students’ Speaking Ability at the First Grade Students of SMAN 4 Barru. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Ekasari, Titian (2020) Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Look and Say Method at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Fatriadin, Fatriadin (2020) The Using Collaborative Strategic Reading to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at eighth grade of MTs Al-Badar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fitriani, Fitriani (2020) Developing Reading Comprehension with Moving Image Narratives At The Second Year Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Tutar Kab. Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Gusriana, Gusriana (2020) Increasing the Students Reading Ability through Using Drill Method by Wondershare Quiz Creator at the Eight Grade of SMPN2 Mattirobulu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


HENDRAJAYA, ANDI AKBAR (2020) Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skill on School Exam English Test of Vocational High School at Parepare (Critical Thinking Discourse Approach). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN parepare.

Hadijah, Hadijah (2020) The implementation of cloze procedure technique in enhancing students’ reading ability at the second grade students of SMAN 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hansi, Hamsiani (2020) Correlation between Scientific Approach and Students Achievement in Learning English on Online Class at Third Grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hardiana, Hardiana (2020) English Teachers’ Competence in Developing Teaching Materials Based on 2013 Curriculum at SMAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Harpia, Harpia (2020) The Implementation of Blindfold Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Eight Grade of MTs DDI Lil Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasanuddin, St. Warda (2020) The Implementation of Describing Pictures to Improve Writing Skills at SMP Negeri 2 Batulappa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasman, Riska Afriyanti (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Through Participation Point System method at Second Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasniyanti, Hasniyanti (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Mnemonics technique at Rumah Bambu Pintar (RBP) Desa Wiringtasi Kec. Suppa Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasria S, Hasria S (2020) The Implementation of Co-Op Co-Op Strategy to Increase the Eighth Grade Students’ Activeness in Reading at MTsN 2 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasriana, Hasriana (2020) Enhancing Students’Vocabulary Mastery by usingCourse Review Horayat SMP 4 Tiroang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hendra, Floria Sukma Binti (2020) Analyzing Students’ Concentration in Learning Reading at the First Year Students of MTs Ma’Arif Sarampu Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Herdi, Herdi (2020) Upgrading Students’ Articulation Via “English Pronunciation” Software At The Second Grade Of SMAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hervina P., Hervina P. (2020) The Use of Problem Solving Method as A Collaborative Learning to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at Second Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Putri As’adiyah Sengkang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hidayatunnafiah, Hidayatunnafiah (2020) Improving the Speaking Ability through Comedy Drama at the First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hikmah, Hikmah (2020) The Increasing of English Speaking Ability by Using “Peacemaking Circle Strategy”at the VIII Class of Junior High School 4 Baranti. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hisnairah, Hisnairah (2020) Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Stand up Sequences Game at the Second Year Students’ of MA- Al Amanah Waikaya Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Idul, Muhammad (2020) The Increasing Vocabulary Mastery of The Scout Students of SMPN 4 Parepare Through Semaphore and Sandi Techniques. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Iftihara, Nasra (2020) 2019. The Use of animation movies to develop students’ writing skills of narrative text at the eleventh grade of senior high school 1 Pamboang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Iftihara, Nasra (2020) The Use of animation movies to develop students’ writing skills of narrative text at the eleventh grade of senior high school 1 Pamboang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Irvasiani, Irvasiani (2020) Analyzing the Speaking Ability Between the Students in Dormitoryv and Members of LIBAM at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ismaliani GM., Ismaliani GM. (2020) Remote Learning: Speaking Skill at Vocational High School 1 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Jannah, Miftahul (2020) Analysis of students’ Personality in Their Speaking Ability at Second Grade of SMPN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jasmiati, Jasmiati (2020) The Effectiveness of Applying Wholesome Scattering Game to Improve Students Writing Skill. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jayhan, Rezky (2020) Using Top Down and Bottom Up Processing As a Strategy to Enhance Students’ Listening Ability at The First Grade of SMK Negeri 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Jumriati, Jumriati (2020) Enhancing Student’s Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text by Using K-W-L (Know, Want, Learn) Strategy at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 9 Lembang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Kalsum, Kalsum and Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Nanning, Nanning (2020) English for Accounting: Fun With English. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Karmila, Evi (2020) The implementation of word clap game to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery (an experimental research at the fourth grade students of SDN 173 Tiroang Kabupaten Pinrang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khairat, Multi (2020) Applying Scientific Approach to Enhance Students` Speaking Skill At the VIII Class of MTS Nuhiyah Pambusuang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kirani, Kirani (2020) The Effectiveness of Picto Text Glosses to improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Seven Grade of SMP Negeri 12 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Lukman, Dewi Yuliani (2020) Students’ Perception towards Teaching Strategy Used by English Teachers at SMPN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN PAREPARE.


MANAB, SURYA PUTRA (2020) Analysis Teaching Method of English Teacher for the Tenth Grade of SMAN 4 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mardhatillah, Mardhatillah (2020) Using Critical Thinking Through Debate to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade of MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ma’ruf, Hartina (2020) Empowering Students’ Writing Skill By Using Personal Letter at The Second-Grade Students at MTs DDI at-Taqwa Jampue. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Megawany, Megawany (2020) Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Spelling Bee Game at the Second Grade of MA YMPI Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Meksi, Meksi (2020) Improving Grammar Ability of the Second Grade Students of SMKN 3 Wajo to Differentiate between Must and Have to trough Blended Learning Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mirda, Mirda (2020) Improving Students’ Ability to Write an Analytical Exposition Text by Using Youtube Videos at the second year students of SMAN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mirnawati, Mirnawati (2020) Measuring the English Lecturers’ Evaluation Tests Items in English Education Program of Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Parepare (Analysis of Content Validity of Final Tests Items). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mujahidah, Mujahidah (2020) English Matrial Development. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Megawati, Megawati and Khaira, Miftahul and Rendra W, Revit and Safirah, Shinta and Wildayanti, Wildayanti (2020) Basic English for Young Learners. IAIN Parepare, Parepare, Indonesia.

Mujahidah, Mujahidah and Nurhamdah, Nurhamdah and Nanning, Nanning and Amzah, Amzah and Sunubi, Abdul Haris and Magdahalena, Magdahalena and Munawir, Munawir and Yusuf, Muh. and Asiza, Nur and Kalsum, Kalsum and Humairah, Humairah (2020) Find Yourself on Vocabulary Size: A Guide for Students. IAIN Parepare Nusantara Press, Parepare, Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-9122-294

Mukmin, Munira (2020) The Students’ Pronunciation Awareness (A Case Study at the Students’ English Department State Islamic Institute Parepare). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mulinda, Andi Hapsa (2020) Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Read, Encode. Annotate and Ponder (REAP) Technique at the Eighth Grade of MTs Guppi Kaluppang Kabupaten Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah (2020) The Effectiveness of Mnemonic Keyword Method to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The First Year of SMP Negeri 12 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mu’minati, Mu’minati (2020) Mu’minati. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) At The Eighth Grade Of SMP Negeri 1 Baraka Kab.Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Nasirah, Nasirah (2020) The Implementation of Google Classroom in Learning English of the Students During The Covid_19: Case Studies in SMP Negeri 12 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nirwana, Nirwana (2020) Integrative Motivation of Students in Learning English: Case Study on Rumah Bambu Pintar in Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nisra, Nisra (2020) Using Humor Story to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Noer, Usman (2020) Designing English Listening Materials through YouTube Video Editing: Training for English Teachers of Islamic Junior High Schools, Parepare, South Sulawesi. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4 (2). pp. 275-290. ISSN e-ISSN: 2527-8746; p-ISSN: 2527-6492

Nurdin, Nindah Sari (2020) Students Difficulties in speaking English at the First Grade of SMKN 1 Parepare Majoring Marketing Program. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfia R, Nurfia R (2020) The Implementation of Cooperative Script Learning Model to Increase Students’ Intensive Speaking Skill at SMK DDI Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhana, Nurhana (2020) The use of Relay Race Game Method to Improve Students’Capabilities in Grade Eight at SMPN 2 Pangale Kab, Mamuju Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhayati, Dian (2020) The Implication of Edutaintment to Increase Student Reading Comprehension at MTsN 2 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhikma, Nurhikma (2020) The Implementation of Observe and Remember Game to Improve Vocabulary Mastery at The Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Cempa Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurjannah, Nurjannah (2020) The Students’ Perception in Learning English by Using WhatsApp Media at The Tenth Grade of MAN 2 Polewali Mandar. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurmala, Nurmala (2020) Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text at the Eighth Grade of MTs AL-QAMAR Kassa through Jigsaw Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nursyafitri, Nursyafitri (2020) Improving the students’ reading comprehension through phonics method at the second year students of MA DDI Tellu Limpoe Kab. Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Pratiwi, Riska (2020) Increasing Students’ Writing on Analytical Exposition Text through Collaborative Learning Strategy At SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Qur’an, Nurfadhila Tul (2020) Enhancing the Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Skill at the First Year of MAN 2 Barru by Using Project Based Learning (PBL). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Rastina, Rastina (2020) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique at the Second Grade of SMP Al Birru Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Reski, Reski (2020) The Analysis of Teacher’s Teaching Method in English Speaking Skill at The Second Grade of SMAN 2 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risa S, Fatimah (2020) The effectiveness of Mnemonic Technique to Improve Students English Vocabulary at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 6 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risdayanti, Risdayanti (2020) The Using Pictures Series to Improve Students’ Writing Skills at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Pinrang,English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rukmana, Rukmana (2020) Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary by Using Clustering Technique at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Lembang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rusnaini, Rusnaini (2020) The influence of reinforcement to motivate the students in learning speaking at SMPN 3 Batulappa Kab. Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Sahraeni, Dewi (2020) The Analysis of Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence to Teach Reading Comprehension at SMPN 4 SendanaTammero’do Sendana District Majene Regency. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Salmawati, Salmawati (2020) An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing In Teaching Learning Process At SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Santri, Fadhilah (2020) The Effectiveness of Memrise Application to Upgrade Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Grade of MA DDI Kanang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sardi, Ahmed and Mujahidah, Mujahidah (2020) Could I Be Illogical? (Cibi Guide) For Non-Native Speaker. IAIN Parepare, Parepare, Indonesia.

Sarmila, Sarmila (2020) Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam mengatasi kesulitan membaca al-Qur’an peserta didik di SMP Negeri 2 Lembang Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sartika, Dewi (2020) Encouraging Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Bloom Taxonomies Concept At Smpn 11 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Suharsono, Suharsono (2020) An Analysis of Moral Value in “English Textbook” Students Textbook at The First Grade of Senior High School 7 Pinrang, English Program of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Suryani, Suryani (2020) The Implementation of Jigsaw Model to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Eight Grade of SMPN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sutra, Rita (2020) The use of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in teaching writing descriptive text at the second grade of Administrasi Perkantoran of SMKN 4 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sutriana, Sry (2020) Using Video Clip to Improve Oral Ability of The Eighth Year Students of Junior High School 7 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam, Rezky Shaafiyah (2020) The Students’ Reading Ability to Comprehend Short Story through Wh-Question at the Second Grade of SMPN 2 Patampanua Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam, Andi Syafitri (2020) The Influence of Visual Learning Style on Students’ Reading Ability at the Ninth Grade of UPT SMPN 2 Panca Lautang SIDRAP Regency. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syuhendono, Dede (2020) The Effect of Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review (SQ3R) on Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Tenth Grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Tahan, Tahan (2020) The Use of Kim’s Memory Game toward Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at the Seventh Grade of SMPNegeri 2 Watang Pulu. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN parepare.

Tahir, Nia Kurniati (2020) Students’ Self-Regulated Learning In Learning Vocabulary At The Third Semester Of English Education Program Iain Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN parepare.

Tanjung, Afriani (2020) The Using of Model United Nation (MUN) Simulation in Developing Students’ Speaking Skills of the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. Other thesis, IAIN parepare.


Usmayani, Usmayani (2020) The Use of Word Square Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Year of SMPN 4 Model Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Vitriani, Andhiny Angelia (2020) The Effect of Guided Question in Enhancing The Students’ Writing Skill at the Second Grade of SMPN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Wahyuni, Yunita (2020) Using Conversation Card Game to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill at ACE Course Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wawo, Andi Ilham (2020) The Implementation Of Kim’s Memory Game To Increase Speaking Skiils of Language Community Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wulandari, Dwi (2020) Using EGRA Technique to Improve Students` Grammar Mastery at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 7 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Wulandari, Tri (2020) Improving Students’ Self-Confidence in Speaking Class Through English Meeting Club at the Third Semester of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Y, Jumriani (2020) The Students Perception about The Teacher Method in Teaching Reading at The Second Grade of SMAN 11 Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yatriani, Yatriani (2020) An Analysis of Students’ Error in Pronouncing Fricatives Sounds for the Sixth Semester Students of English Program at IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yunita, Isma (2020) Students’ Self-Confidence toward Learning Speaking in Covid-19 Pandemic at the Third Semester of IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yunita, Riska (2020) Brain Based Learning Method to Improve Reading Comprehension of 8 Grade Students of SMPN 2 Tellu Limpoe Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Yusuf, Muh. and Mujahidah, Mujahidah (2020) I Can Write : The Easy Way to Start. IAIN Parepare.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 17:15:00 2025 +08.