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Number of items: 58.


Abbas, Veradhilla Basrie (2018) The Ability Of Students’ In Differentiating Narative Text and Descriptive Text Of SMA NEGERI 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Afrianty, Selvy (2018) The Use of Card Sort to Improve students’ Vocabulary at MTsN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Alamsyah, Nur (2018) The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Toward Enhance the Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 5 Sidrap. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Amelia, Amelia (2018) The Attitude of Students in Learning Vocabulary through Quantum Learning at the Second Grade MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Annas, Sri Adliyani (2018) The Comparison Between Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Share (TPS) and Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) of Students’ Achievement in Speaking Skill at IX Class SMPN 2 Of Labakkang Kabupaten Pangkep. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Aprianti, Widya (2018) The Application of Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy to Increase Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Students at SMPN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Areski, Widya Pribadiyanti (2018) Using Expression Card Media to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill at The Second Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Arjun, Arjun (2018) The Effect of Using Grammar Translation Method in Arranging Compound Sentences at the Eighth Grade Students’ of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asad, Nurul Istiqomah (2018) The Effectiveness of GRASP Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Year Students of MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Asran, Asran (2018) The Influence of Using Everyone Is a Teacher Here Strategy Toward the Student’s Learning Outcome on Learning English at the Second Year of MTs YMPI Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Dari, Tasma (2018) The Students’ Ability in Identifying Independent Clause and Dependent Clause in Complex Sentence. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Darmawan, Aswan (2018) The Influence of Teacher’s Strategy toward Students’ Interest in Learning English of Junior High School 3 of Barru. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Fajrah, Nur Yastad (2018) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Semantic Field of Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fatimah, Fatimah (2018) Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by using picture card At The Eighth Grade Of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Fitriani S, Fitriani S (2018) Improving Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade Office Administration students of SMK NEGERI 1 PINRANG By Using Experience-Text-Relationship (ETR) Method. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Hajirah, Hajirah (2018) The Effectiveness of Using Problem-Based Instruction in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability at The Second Grade of MA IZZATUL MA’ARIF Tappina. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hardianti, Sitti (2018) The Use of Students’ Personal Experiences to Increase Writing Creativity at the Second Year Students of SMPN 10 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hariani, Hariani (2018) Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through the Power of Two Strategy at smp negeri 4 balusu, English Program of Tarbiyah Department, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasbawati, Hasbawati (2018) The Students’ Learning Motivation in Speaking Course at the Third Semester of English Program Tarbiyah Department in IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Haslindah, Haslindah (2018) The Combination of Herringbone with Buzz Group Technique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Social Grade of MAN PINRANG. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasniati, Hasniati (2018) The Implementation of “Go and Find Out” Activities to Improve Students’ English Speaking Skill at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 8 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hasrina, Sitti (2018) The Use of Round Robin Technique to Improve the Reading Comprehension at the Eight Year Students’ of SMP Negeri 1 Suppa Kab Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Heryanti, Mardiana (2018) A Comparative Study on Teaching Writing in Recount Text by Using Interactive Writing and Guided Writing Technique at the Eighth Grade at SMPN 2 Lanrisang Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Hidayah, Magfiraratul (2018) Efektifitas Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak dalam Mengatasi Kemerosotan Moral Peserta Didik di MAN 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Idrus, Irsan Suandi (2018) The Effectiveness of Town Meeting Strategy toward Students’ Speaking Ability In SMAN 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ilham, Ilham (2018) The Correlation Between Students’ Habit In Watching English Movie and Their Vocabulary Mastery at The Fifth Semester Of State Islamic Institute Of Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Ilmi, Nur (2018) Improving Reading Ability Through PORPE Strategy at The TenthGrade of MA Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina Kabupaten Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Jufri, Nurjannah (2018) Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Throught the Use Pre-Reading Task at the Eight Grade of SMPN 4 Belawa. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Kalsum, Ummi (2018) The Implementation of Describing Pictures Strategy in Improving Speaking Skills at the Eight Grade of SMPN 10 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Kamaria, Nur (2018) Improving the students’ reading skill using Preview, Ask Question, Read and Summarize (PARS) Strategy of the second grade of MTs. Guppi Kalimbua Kab. Enrekang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Karmila, Karmila (2018) The Correlation between Students’ learning style and students’ reading comprhension at the tenth grade of MA DDI Takkalasi. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Khairunnisa, Nurul (2018) The Effect of Preview, Question, Read, State, Test (Pqrst) Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eight Grade of MTs DDIi As-Salman Allakuang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

kalsum, Ummi (2018) The Implementation of Describing Pictures Strategy in Improving Speaking Skills at the Eight Grade of SMPN 10 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Lestari, Siti (2018) Improving The Abilityi in Writing Paragraph at the Second Grade Students of SMK Negeri 5 Pinrang through Paraphrasing Technique. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Lestary, Desy (2018) The Effectiveness of Using Natural Approach to Improve Students’ Interaction Ability (A Classroom Action Research at Second Grade of SMAN 4 Pinrang). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Masda, Masda (2018) Using Role Play Technique to Develop Students’ Speaking Skill at second year of MTsNParepare.English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Masriani, Masriani (2018) The Correlation between Students’ Simple Past Tense Mastery and Their Ability in Translating Narrative Text at the First Year of SMA Negeri 5 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Mutmainnah, Mutmainnah (2018) The Implentation of Practice-rehearsal Pairs Strategy to Improve English Speaking Skills at the Eight Grade of MA DDI Kaballangang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Nasrah, Nasrah (2018) The Implementation of Story Map Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text at The Second Grade Students of SMAN 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurfitri, Nurfitri (2018) Increasing Vocabulary Mastery of The First Year Students of SMP Negeri 3 Pamboang Through Concept Mapping Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nurhalijah, Nurhalijah (2018) The Use of traffic Sign Pictures to Improve the Students’ Ability in Constructing Imperative Sentence at the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 2 Tellu Limpoe Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nursam, Nursam (2018) Using Grammar Booster Computer Program to Teach English Grammar to the Second Year Students of SMKN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Nuryani, Nuryani (2018) Improving Students’ Vocabulary by Using Drill Method at the Second Grade of MTs Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina Kab.Polman. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Patangngari, Hardiyanti (2018) The Implementation of Peer Tutoring Strategy to Improve English Speaking Skill at the Second Grade Students of Senior High School 3 Parepare, English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Pratiwi, Ade (2018) Improving Students’ Skills in Writing Descriptive Text at the First Grade of SMAN 3 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Ramli, Ramli (2018) The Effectiveness Of Pre Reading Plan (PReP) Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at The Second Grade of SMAN 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rasdiana, Rasdiana (2018) Applying Two Stay Two Stray Technique by Using Picture Series to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second Grade in MAN 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rauf, Abd. (2018) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Total Physical Respon at Member Of Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Rismayani, Rismayani (2018) The comparison between using jigsaw and numbered head together (NHT) technique toward the students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh social grade of MAN Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Risnah, Risnah (2018) The Effectiveness of Inductive Approach in Teaching Phrases at the First Year students of SMA Negeri 3 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.


Safitri, Eka (2018) The Effectiveness of “Give One-Get One” Activities to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Year of Madrasah Aliyah Al Mubarak DDI Tobarakka Kabupaten Wajo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sarni, Sarni (2018) The Use of Talking Stick to Improve the Students’Speaking Skill at the Second Grade of SMKN 9 Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Shulfiany, Shulfiany (2018) The Effectiveness of Silent Way Method in Teaching Pronunciation: Vowel Sounds at the Seventh Grade Students in Mts. DDI Lil-Banat Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Sumarkina, Eky Eljum (2018) The Using of Short Conversation to Increase Speaking Mastery at the First Year of SMPN 6 parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Supriadi, Supriadi (2018) The Correlation Between the use of Metacognitive Strategy and Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Tenth Grade Students’ of SMK Negeri 2 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Suwandini, Andi Ratri (2018) Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement Through Schema Activation Strategy at The Tenth Year of SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam, Muhammad Ilham (2018) Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Islamic Story of the Seventh Year at the MTs. Al-Mustaqim Parepare. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

Syam M, Sukma (2018) The Effectiveness of Using Guessing Game to Improve Students Vocabulary Mastery at “Mindset English Center (MEC) course” Kabupaten Pinrang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Parepare.

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