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Number of items: 26.

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2021) Digital Communication and Social Media Interaction to Improve the Academic Quality of Islamic Higher Education Lecturers. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 12 (4). pp. 144-169. ISSN 1309-9108

Nurhakki, Nurhakki and Rustan, Ahmad S. and Syam, Muhammad Taufiq (2021) The Habituation of Tongkonan Communication as Adhesives for Religious Harmony in Toraja People. Adabiyah, 21 (1). pp. 216-233. ISSN 2548-7744

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2021) (Peer Review) Digital Communication and Social Media Interaction to Improve the Academic Quality of Islamic Higher Education Lecturers. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2021) (Turnitin) Digital Communication and Social Media Interaction to Improve the Academic Quality of Islamic Higher Education Lecturers. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) Communication in Indonesian Social Media: Avoiding Hate Speeches, Intolerance and Hoax. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Communication in Indonesia Sosial Media: Avoiding Hate Speeches, Intolerance and Hoax. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Dakwah Melalui Radio: Analisis Program Konsultasi Agama Islam di Radio Mesra FM. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Gerakan Sosial Islam Hizbut Tahrir: Syarah & Implementasi Pemikiran Taqituddin An-Nabhani di Kota Parepare. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Gerakan Sosial Islam di Indonesia: Analisis terhadap Pemikiran Taqyuddin An-Nabhani. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Kompromi Islam dan Adat Istiadat pada Praktik Keagamaan Muslim Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Memperbaiki Distorsi Persepsi Interpersonal. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Menjalin Hubungan (Relation) dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Efektif. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Model Pengelolaan TBM Budaya pada Kumunitas Masyarakat Keammatoaan Wilayah Ilalang Embayya Desa Tanatoa Kecamatan Kajang Kabupaten Bulukumba. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Mosque as Excellent Center to Build a Village without Cigarette in Bone of South Sulawesi. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Pengaruh Foto Selfie terhadap Konsep Diri: Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Jurusan Dakwah dan Komunikasi. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Pengaruh OrangTua Tunggal Terhadap Pembentukan Sikap Anak di Desa Bone-Bone Kecamatan Baraka Kabupaten Enrekang. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Pola Komunikasi Orang Bugis. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Radio Dakwah di Tengah Perilaku Modernis. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) The Phenomenon Of The Celebrity preachers abd the Awakening of The Religious Spirit of Millenial Generation In Indonesia. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Peer Review) Understanding Religious Tolerance Among Indonesian Muslim Student in The Era Digital. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Turnitin) The Phenomenon Of The Celebrity preachers abd the Awakening of The Religious Spirit of Millenial Generation In Indonesia. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2020) (Turnitin) Understanding Religious Tolerance among Indonesian Muslim Students in the Digital Era. IAIN Parepare. (Unpublished)

Rahman, Ali and Herdah, Herdah and Rustan, Ahmad S. and Amin, Sitti Jamilah (2019) Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbahasa Arab Santri Melalui Pembuatan Rancangan Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Azhar Talaweh Sidrap. IAIN Parepare Nusantara Press, Parepare. ISBN 978-623-90768-6-3

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2018) Pola Komunikasi Orang Bugis: Kompromi Antara Islam dan Budaya. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta.

Rustan, Ahmad S. (2017) (Certificate) Understanding Local Wisdom in Multidisciplinary Perspective from Local Relevance to Global Significance. [Image] (Unpublished)

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