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Class management is needed by the teacher in utilizing the potential of the class,
making learning and learning to remain optimal, enjoyable and to improve optimal
conditions in the event of a disruption in the learning process. Motivation to learn
is an impulse from inside and outside the self of students who can move it to be
more active in learning activities in order to obtain the desired goals by changing
behavior both from the aspects of thought, affective and psychomotor. This study
discusses the motivation of the class towards the motivation to learn history and
the Islamic participants of class IX of YMPI Rappang's MTs. This type of research
is field research with associative quantitative design. As a technique of data
collection, namely observation, questionnaire and documentation with descriptive
and infrequent analysis techniques. The results showed that: (1) Management of
classes in class IX of YMPI Rappang MTs showed a good category with a
percentage rate of 77.4%. (2) Learning motivation of students shows a good
category with a percentage of 85.4%. (3) There is a significant difference between
the learning class towards the learning motivation of YMPI Rappang's IX grade
students. This can be seen from the results of manual calculations tcount = 9.406>
t table = 1998 and the value of R Square or r2 obtained 0.564. The value of XI for
students 'learning motivation in Islamic culture class (Y) was 56.4%, while 43.6%
of students' learning motivation at MTs YMPI Rappang was related to other
variables not expected by researchers.


Class Management, Learning Motivation

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How to Cite
Noer, U., & Nuryani, N. (2018). Pengaruh Pengelolaan Kelas Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas IX MTS YMPI Rappang Kabupaten Sidrap. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 16(2), 191-208.